Contract Approval Request Form
To Be Completed by Requesting Department (#1-21)
1) Date of Request: 12/26/2024
2) Contract Type: Expense
3) Renewal Contract: No
4) Department Name: Parks and Cultural Services
5) Department Contact: Julie Walker
6) Description: Interlocal agreement with the City of Galveston for FEMA repairs from Hurricane Beryl for Beach Pocket Park #1 and #2.
7) PEID No:
8) Req No:
9) Orgkey: 2988 522020
10) Object Code:
11) Vendor: City of Galveston
12) Vendor Contract No:
Expenditure Budget/Revenue Projections
13) Fund Name: FEMA - Hurricane Beryl
14) Fund #: 2988
15) Current Year Budgeted:
16) Current Year Projected:
17) Year 2:
18) Year 3:
19) Year 4:
20) Year 5:
21) Totals:
To Be Completed by Purchasing Department
22) Contract Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date.
23) Auto Renewal Contract: Choose an item.
24) Bid No:
25) Contract End Date: Click or tap to enter a date.
26) Contract # Issued by Purchasing Department:
NOTES: The City of Galveston will do all the FEMA repairs on behalf of the County and cover the expense. Then when FEMA reimburses the County, the County will reimburse the City. The workday tags are Beryl-Pocket Park #1 and Beryl-Pocket Park #2